要坚持做个很哇塞的人,远离那些让你不开心的人和事物,减少期待 ,落落大方 ,挺起腰杆,好好生活,风华正茂的年纪,会出头的。To adhere to be a very wow person, away from those who make you unhappy people and things, reduce expectations, generous, stand up, live a good life, in the prime of life, will come ahead.

希望你能被爱被夸奖被认可,也希望你不管是胖还是瘦,聪明还是糊涂,都能认清自己,坦然地接受自己,并且懂得欣赏自己。I hope that you can be praised and recognized by love, and I also hope that you, whether fat or thin, smart or confused, can recognize yourself, calmly accept yourself, and know how to appreciate yourself.自己不要活得太累,应该学着想开、看淡,学着不强求,学着深藏。适时放松自己,寻找宣泄,给疲惫的心灵解解压。Don't live too tired, should learn to open, see light, learn not to insist, learn to hide. Timely relax yourself, looking for catharsis, to the tired heart decompression.

人之所以会烦恼,就是记性太好,记住了那些不该记住的东西。所以,记住快乐的事,忘记令你悲伤的事,看淡一点再努力一点,你吃的苦会铺成你想要的路。People will worry, is too good memory, remember those things that should not be remembered. So, remember the happy things, forget the sad things, look a little light and try a little harder, you eat the bitter will pave the way you want.

没人能让你快乐,除非你先让自己快乐。如果你想放弃,想想当初是因为什么,让你一路坚持。No one can make you happy, unless you make yourself happy first. If you want to give up, think about what it was for, let you insist on all the way.