而关于ESG报告中需披露的信息,指引中表示需要遵守两个层次的披露责任:(a) 强制披露规定;及(b)「不遵守就解释」条文。意即发行人的环境、社会及管治报告须涵盖《环境、社会及管治报告指引》项下每个层面的一般披露规定的信息,否则须提供合理原因。联交所期望该解释应尽可能详细以符合利益相关者的期望,并且基于发行人自身的特殊情况。主要范畴A「环境」的关键绩效指标将于2017年1月1日起依「不遵守就解释」原则适用。
“不遵守就解释”的英文为“comply or explain”:
“Comply or explain“ is a regulatory mechanism: It says that one either has to comply with a recommendation or — if one plans not to — name reasons for one's deviation (explain).
“不遵守就解释”也是英国、德国、荷兰以及其他国家在企业管治和财务监管方面使用的 监管略。
The “comply or explain” principle underlying the Code Provision for notice periods for general meetings will allow issuers [...] the necessary degree of flexibility to determine for themselves the appropriate balance between shareholder communication and participation and commercial expediency.
有关股东大会通知期 的守则条文背后「不遵守就解释」的原则,当可给予发行人所需的灵活度,让其可以自行在股东通讯及参与和商业便利之间选择最适当的平衡。
In particular, they consider that the "comply or explain" approach required by Rules 12.43A(a) and (b) encourages compliance with the Combined Code, and is therefore valuable.
转载自:旗渡译问网站 作者:旗渡多语信息中心(出海资讯定制)