Grace period 宽限期。A grace period is a period immediately after the deadline for an obligation during which a late fee, or other action that would have been taken as a result of failing to meet the deadline, is waived provided that the obligation is satisfied during the grace period. 指在义务履行期限届满后,允许迟延履行某项义务而无需承担迟延履行责任的额外期间。保险法中,指允许超过支付保险费日期的期限(美国大部分州对人寿保险定位30天或31天)。宽限期内保险继续有效并可补交保险费。保险费的支付宽限期并非免费保险,也非保险期满双方同意终止保险时保险单继续有效;在贷款合同中,宽限期指约定的贷款到期后允许延期付款的期限;美国的专利法中也存在宽限期,允许申请人在首次公开该发明内容的 1 年之内保留专利申请权,也就是说发明人自己的公开在 1 年之内不会影响其专利申请。
在有些情况下,尤其是指债务时,days of grace可与grace period互换,days of grace 指在原有期限届满之后,作为优惠或宽限,允许债务人推迟履行义务的天数。在商法中,指流通票据或合同的到期后的宽限日期,以允许票据的出票人或承兑人或合同的债务人在宽限你期内承兑票据或履行合同。最初仅作为一项优惠条件,后演变为一种商业惯例,得到法院认可或由法律规定。现已成为出票人或承兑人或债务人可要求的一项权利。
Any exemption to the provisions of this Bill or extension of the grace period will mean that the community will have to suffer longer.
Such procedures include a grace period of 14 days after the awarded sum is due and when it is unpaid. On top of this, prosecution can only be instituted when the employer is proved to have acted wilfully and without reasonable excuse.
转载自:红蓝律 作者:旗渡多语信息中心(出海信息服务)