
中书国画 2024-07-19 16:37:12


She is a great female painter in the art history of the 20th century, a key figure in modern Chinese painting, and a pioneer of contemporary Chinese painting, creating a new style of painting. Wu Guanzhong praised her, saying: "She is a true artist, with top-notch artistry and character." This female painter is Zhou Sicong.


Zhou Sicong was born in the Year of the Rabbit. She showed extraordinary artistic talent from a young age. In the Year of the Dog, she entered the Chinese Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, studying under masters such as Li Keran, Jiang Zhaohe, Ye Qianyu, Liu Lingcang, Li Kuchan, and Guo Weiqu. She excelled in ink and wash figure painting, as well as flowers, and occasionally dabbled in landscapes. Her early works are characterized by narrative, fresh and unrestrained brushstrokes, and rich expressiveness. From the Year of the Monkey, she began to explore and innovate, incorporating Western modern art forms into her work, refining and strengthening her brushwork to make it more precise and interesting.


Zhou Sicong's works reflect two decades of contemplation and progress by mid-generation painters, concentrating an important aspect of the development of Chinese painting in the new era. With extraordinary talent and early success, she was already an outstanding student at the Central Academy of Fine Arts High School and the Chinese Painting Department in the fifties and sixties. Under the guidance of renowned teachers, she focused on realism while also engaging in freehand brushwork. Through nine years of diligent effort, she honed her solid and comprehensive fundamental skills, establishing a strong foundation in modeling and gaining a deep understanding of the expressive power of traditional brushwork.


Her artistic journey began with landscape painting, with outstanding works that won awards at the World Youth Festival. Following her teachers' guidance, she specialized in figure painting. By the seventies, her works such as "The People and the Premier" and "The Cleaner's Remembrance" (co-created with her husband Lu Chen), which expressed the spirit of the times and demonstrated strong ink and wash realism, quickly gained her fame and established her as a master in the art world.


Zhou Sicong's painting philosophy is rooted in the details of daily life. She believes that life is everywhere, and only through careful observation can one capture fleeting beauty. Every time she goes out to sketch, she strives to retain the strongest impression of the moment. Even if she cannot immediately paint, she records her impressions in words, allowing her to revisit the poetic and interesting aspects later. In her creation, she insists that painting must move her own heart to move others. Works that do not interest her are not worth the time and should be abandoned. The effect she seeks is the purity and strong visual impact of children's paintings. In specific environments, the movements and features of people must be deeply remembered, not left as vague impressions, for unclear memories fail to convey strong feelings. Farmers' paintings and children's drawings, full of strong emotions, natural charm, and naive simplicity, differ from the technical performances of professional painters.


Zhou Sicong places great importance on the beauty of form, emphasizing the interplay of contrasting techniques and rhythmic arrangements to highlight the characteristics of her subjects. Strong contrasts bring out interest, much like in children's paintings, where a square bowl and a round bowl form a striking contrast that captivates the viewer. This contrast requires the artist's subjective treatment to avoid being constrained by the object. The technique of rubbing and scratching also serves the beauty of form; if the lines themselves possess beauty, they should be preserved. Zhou Sicong always remembers that she is painting a picture, not merely depicting an object, to avoid being restricted by it. When observing people, she focuses on the overall impression. For instance, when depicting an elderly person, she highlights the horizontal lines of the face and the loose muscles to make her brushwork fit this feeling.


"The People and the Premier" is a masterpiece by contemporary painter Zhou Sicong. The painting depicts the Dingwu year (1966) Xingtai earthquake, where Premier Zhou Enlai first arrived at the disaster area to stand with the people and boost their morale. The scene captures the moment when the citizens flocked to the Premier, encapsulating the emotions of excitement and solemnity. The strong contrast of light and shadow and the inverted pyramid triangular composition create a sense of motion within the solemn and simple setting. It not only reflects the heaviness, pain, and anticipation of the crowd but also highlights the Premier's deep compassion for the people. This work breaks the "three prominences" and "high, great, complete" patterns of the Cultural Revolution, placing the leader among the people, with vivid expressions and fluent brushstrokes, exhibiting exceptional artistic power. This painting is a milestone in the history of modern Chinese figure painting, winning the first prize at the Fifth National Art Exhibition.


"The Janitor's Remembrance" is a painting by the artists Lu Chen and Zhou Sicong, created on the first anniversary of Zhou Enlai's death, now housed in the National Art Museum of China. At dawn, Zhou Enlai, clad in a black coat, appears on the street, warmly shaking hands with a janitor. The yellow leaves on the ground and the withered leaves on the branches indicate late autumn or early winter, as Zhou would not wear a coat otherwise. In the painting, Zhou is affable, smiling kindly, and holding the janitor's hands with both of his, while the janitor's emotions of gratitude, surprise, and happiness are vividly depicted. The janitor, holding a broom and carrying a garbage can, is in the midst of his work, unaware of the Premier's visit, and his slightly leaning posture reflects his disbelief. Notably, Zhou insisted on minimal entourage during outings, opposing any ostentation. His aides recalled that during his travels, there were no police escorts ahead, only a single car following behind. In the painting, a car is seen in the distance behind Zhou, with indistinct figures beside it, either guards or the driver, not accompanying Zhou closely. From a security perspective, the guards might seem negligent, but they adhered to the Premier's wishes. This scene vividly portrays the deep affection between the "People's Premier" and the people, echoing the eternal sentiment of the Chinese nation for Zhou Enlai.



In her creation, Zhou Sicong values the flavor of lines, believing that lines without flavor do not justify the use of a brush. She favors meticulously rough lines over hasty ones. She advocates a slow approach to brushwork to control exaggerated forms. Her attitude is serious, and every stroke must be responsible. The key to creation is capturing the depth of life and expressing beauty and high sentiment. She strives to eliminate external influences and focuses on expressing her own feelings. For her, the most precious thing is her own experience. A painting should allow the viewer to wander in their mind, but it should not be artificially crafted for charm; it must naturally flow from the joys of life.

Zhou Sicong believes that decoration and deformation should be simple and natural, not overly conspicuous. Life's experiences should be expressed in one's own words, not by imitating others' works. Only true feelings can create moving works.



In her prime, Zhou Sicong ultimately succumbed to illness, which took away her boundless creativity. In the year of Bingzi, she departed from this world at the age of fifty-seven. Her serene and modest character, brilliant intellect, and pioneering wisdom are eternally preserved in her works and remain in the hearts of many. Her love for nature and ordinary people shines with everlasting brilliance.

At that time, experts commented that Zhou Sicong was not only a model of virtue and artistry among female painters in New China but also one of the most outstanding painters of the mid-generation in the latter half of this century.


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