
柯远说文学 2024-09-01 14:14:44

1. graduate school 研究生院

2. higher education 高等教育

3. adult education 成人教育

4. undergraduate 本科生

5. postgraduate 研究生

6. universal education 普及教育

7. technical school 技校

8. admission office 招生办公室

2. 图书馆场景

1. written permission 书面同意

2. online catalogue 网上图书一览表

3. reference material 参考资料

4. reference desk 咨询处

5. catalogue 目录

6. index 索引

7. reference stacks 书库


1. graduate school 研究生院

2. postgraduate 研究生

3. reference material 参考资料


How much is the application fee for applying to graduate school?


Hearty congratulations on your completing the postgraduate course and acquiring the degree of Master of Science.


In order to read foreign reference material, he has learnt four foreign languages.



lay great emphasis on academic excellence


tie up with study 忙于学习

brush up on 温习

draw up a plan 作计划

skip the 逃课

causal attribution 归因理论

reading list 读书清单

reference book 参考书

seminar 研讨会

be fed up with 受够了

read books from cover to cover 完整地读完一本书

keep drifting away 走神

hold your interest 抓住你的兴趣


1. lay great emphasis on academic excellence把重点放在学术成就上

2. brush up on 温习

3. draw up a plan 作计划

4. skip the 逃课

5. seminar 研讨会


Nowadays a lot of parents lay great emphasis on intellectual investment of their children.


Let's brush up on our English for the exam.


Communicate with the partner schoolteacher and draw up a plan of action depending on school schedules.


Before you hang up, I want to tell you again how much I love the flowers.


It is always entertaining when news from the outside world intrudes upon a seminar.


presentation 针对某一专题发表的演讲

class list 班级人名列表

the English speech contest 英语演讲比赛

get frozen up 僵住

make a start 开始

cover every aspect of the topic 包括主题的每个细节

lecture notes 课堂笔记

fill sb. in 给某人补课

schedule=school timetable 课程表

attendance/participation 课程参与度

miss a 缺课

course arrangement 课程安排

assessment 综合评估

give to lecturer for marking 给老师批改

extension 考试延期

enforce attendance/participation 强迫到课


1. the English speech contest 英语演讲比赛

2. make a start 开始

3. attendance/participation 课程参与度

4. give to lecturer for marking 给老师批改

5. extension 考试延期


I'm looking forward to beating him in the English speech contest.


In the time of spring I passed your gate and tried to make a start.


How to Promote the Participation of Students in Classroom Teaching Activities


Please give it to lecturer for marking.


What is the reason for extension?



1. get straight A in the exam 在考试中得全A

2. get a poor grade 得分很差

3. pass score 过分数线

4. self-study book 自学课本

5. credit system 学分制

6. report card 成绩单

7. pop test 抽考

8. passing/ failing grade (不)及格

9. make out/recognize handwriting 一字难认

10. final-examination 期末考试

11. quiz 小测验

12. be backed up 堆积作业

13. make up the exam 补考

14. live off campus 搬出校园

15. accommodation 住宿

16. scholarship 奖学金

17. tuition 学费


1. credit system 学分制

2. final-examination 期末考试

3. be backed up 堆积作业

4. make up the exam 补考

5. live off campus 搬出校园


University and the United States implemented a credit system, each school is the mutual recognition of credits.


Students who get very high marks will be exempted from the final examination.


I'll come back in two weeks so the work won't be back up.


Because you were ill, you'll have to make up the final exam.


live off campus

College students should be allowed to live off campus.



1. borrow/return 借书/还书 music album 音乐专集

2. journal/periodical 期刊 reserved area 馆藏区

3. reference books 参考书 How long can I keep the books?

4. card catalog(ue) 卡片目录 我可以借多久?

5. press/publishing house 出版社

6. Librarian and student (图书管理员与学生)

7. borrow 借 reading room 阅览室

8. catalog(ue) 目录 reference books 参考书

9. circulation desk 借书处 renew 续借

10. due/overdue 到期/过期 return 归还

11. fine 罚款 shelf 书架

12. library card 借书证 paper back 平装书

13. periodical 期刊 hard back 精装书

14. issue 一期


1. journal/periodical 期刊

2. press/publishing house 出版社

3. Librarian and student 图书管理员与学生

4. due/overdue 到期/过期


There was a Harvard report published in a nutrition journal all about this.


The press offered the writer a large sum of money for exclusive publishing rights.


Think of some things you might need as a student and ask the librarian at the reference desk what kind of resources their school offers.


Your book is two days overdue. You'll have to pay fines.


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