我开始了新的生活,我有时候还会回头看看,但是次数越来越少了,祝我们各自都越来越好,去顶峰见更好的人吧。I started a new life, I sometimes look back, but less and less times, I wish us each better and better, go to the top to meet better people.

突然好心酸,走错很多路,做错很多选择,无数个睡不着的夜晚,我都在想,究竟要成为什么样的人,到底想过什么样的生活,才能满意的过完这一生。Suddenly very sad, walk a lot of wrong road, do many wrong choices, countless sleepless nights, I am thinking, what kind of person to be, what kind of life, to be satisfied with this life.外面千好万好都不如自己好,人家都以为你在外面混得风生水起,其实苦不苦只有自己知道。Outside thousands of good good are not as good as their own, people think you mix outside the wind and water, in fact, bitter not bitter only they know.

不乱于心,不困于情,不畏将来,不念过往。每一次自愈都是涅槃重生,学会放下过往,珍惜当下,未来可期。Do not mess in the heart, do not be trapped in the feeling, do not be afraid of the future, do not read the past. Every self-healing is a rebirth, learn to put go of the past, cherish the present, the future can be expected.每天都会疲惫和沮丧,却仍然保持战斗力,因为我知道只有努力奔向更好的地方,才会遇见更好的自己。I will be tired and depressed every day, but I still keep my fighting power, because I know that only when I try to go to a better place, I will meet a better self.

要么出类拔萃,要么甘于平凡,不要一边羡慕,一边不想努力,好运气不会凭空而来,要么藏在努力里,要么藏在坚持里。Either outstanding, or willing to be ordinary, do not envy, while do not want to work hard, good luck will not come out of thin air, or hidden in the efforts, or hidden in the persistence.你已经很勇敢也很努力了,偶尔有过失没关系,好好过完这个冬天,明年一定会越来越好。You have been brave and hard, occasionally it doesn't matter, through this winter, next year will be better and better.