做一个内心充满阳光的人,对每一件热爱的事全力以赴,时间一定会让你满载而归。Be a person full of sunshine in your heart, go for everything you love, time will make you full.要一直保持自己喜欢的样子,不要随波逐流,也不要过度失落。温柔的人,一定会有一个好的结局。Keep what you like, don't go with the flow, and don't lose too much. Gentle people, there must be a good ending.

凡事发生必有益于我,不是得到,就是学到,坦然一点,向前看。Everything that happens will benefit me, either get, or learn, calm down, look forward.当你喜欢的东西超出预算,恭喜你说明你的品味越来越高了,毕竟世上所有美好都需要踮起脚尖。When what you like is beyond your budget, congratulations to you to show that your taste is getting higher and higher, after all, all the good things in the world need to stand on tiptoe.

成年人你可以在夜里崩溃,但天亮以后你得继续扛住四面八方的压力,风华正茂的年纪你应该所向披靡。Adults you can collapse at night, but after dawn you have to continue to carry the pressure from all directions, in the prime of the age you should be invincible.没有人是为了爱你而来到这个世上,但总有人会因为爱你来接近你,在此之前,你应该以自己为中心,好好努力,做自己的依靠。No one comes to this world to love you, but there is always someone who will come close to you because of love you, before this, you should take yourself as the center, do hard work, do their own rely on.

未来的日子,愿你脚下有风,心中有爱,勇敢善良,自信满满,活出最美丽的自己~In the future, may you have the wind under your feet, love in your heart, brave and kind, full of confidence, live the most beautiful yourself ~