
三月流焱 2022-11-20 10:30:47

哪怕挣得不多,却都是你的保障和底气,就算步伐很小,也要保持前进!自食其力好过任何纸上谈兵。Even if you don't earn much, it is your guarantee and confidence. Even if your pace is small, you should keep moving forward! It is better to live on one's own than to talk on paper.自己的低头,朋友的远离,空荡的口袋,喜欢却得不到的东西,都是人生中很好的导师!Your head down, your friends away, your empty pockets, and the things you like but can't get are all good teachers in life!

很多时候,我们总以为来日方长,殊不知,当你在消磨时间,其实时间也在消磨你。那些被虚度的年华,那些因贪图安逸偷过的懒,最终都会变成生活的刁难,让你日渐颓废而不自知。Most of the time, we always think that there is a long way to go. However, when you are killing time, in fact, time is killing you. Those wasted years, those lazy people who steal for the sake of ease, will eventually become the difficulties of life, making you increasingly decadent and unaware.把自己当作一件艺术品,好好打磨,用心去爱。你的努力,世界会看见;你变好了,世界更精彩!Take yourself as a work of art, polish it well and love it with heart. Your efforts, the world will see; You are better, the world is more wonderful!

真正优秀的人,没时间跟生活抬杠。生活从来没有捷径,别为停止为懒惰找借口,向着梦想勇敢前进。你未来的模样,就藏在现在的努力里。A really good person has no time to compete with life. There is no shortcut in life. Don't make excuses to stop being lazy, and move forward bravely towards your dreams. Your future appearance is hidden in your present efforts.那些能让你变好的事,最开始也许不容易,但只要坚持,就能成长,别老待在舒适区域,越努力越幸运!Those things that can make you better may not be easy at first, but as long as you stick to them, you can grow. Don't always stay in the comfort zone. The harder you work, the luckier you will be!

一切都是最好的安排。如果不能接受的改变,改变不了的就离开,要相信,如果事与愿违,那一定另有安排。Everything is the best arrangement. If you can't accept the change, you should leave if you can't change. Believe that if things go against your wishes, there must be another arrangement.我们可以把时间,浪费在自己喜欢的事情上,但不可以困在,自己讨厌的生活方式里。We can waste time on things we like, but we can't be trapped in a lifestyle we hate.

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