生活是由酸甜苦辣,每一种都是会经历的,愿你在这些日子里,学会自渡,努力为人生寻找“甜”。人生没有跨不过的坎,没有淌不去的河,凡事朝前看,摆正自己的心态,一切都会如你所盼。Life is from the sour, sweet, bitter, hot, each kind of will experience, I wish you in these days, learn to cross by yourself, and strive to find a "sweet" for life. Life does not cross the obstacle, no drip can not go to the river, everything to look forward, put their own mind, everything will be as you hope.

每个人的生命里,都有最艰难的那一年,等熬过去了,人生将变得美好而辽阔。南墙已撞,故事已忘,熬过去就是光明。Everyone's life, there are the most difficult that year, and so through, life will become beautiful and vast. The south wall has hit, the story has forgotten, through is light.每天都是一次从新开始的机会,不要沉溺于昨天的失败,要怀着积极的心态和期望,开始今天的生活。Every day is a new chance to start, and if you don't indulge in yesterday's failure, you want to start today's life with a positive attitude and expectations.

一点点向自己喜欢的东西靠近忠于自己,热爱生活,知足上进,不用苦于没有伯乐,你最好的人生导师就是努力的自己。A little bit to their favorite things close to be loyal to themselves, love life, content, progress, do not suffer from no bole, your best life mentor is to work hard to their own.

热爱生活热爱浪漫,但从来没忘记,任何有仪式感的人和事物,都堆积在有钱的前提上,所以任何时候都不能忘记你要努力赚钱的初心。Love life and romance, but I never forget that any people and things with a sense of ritual are piled up on the premise of money, so you can not forget your original intention to make money at any time.