
三月流焱 2022-10-15 15:41:25

在所谓“人世间”摸爬滚打至今,我唯一愿意视为真理的,就只有这一句话:一切都会过去的。In the so-called "human world", the only thing I want to regard as the truth, there is only this sentence: everything will pass.你要很自信,没有怨气,每天都收拾得漂漂亮亮的,有一张自信的脸就很好。You have to be very confident, no resentment, every day to clean up beautifully, have a confident face is very good.

对生活充满感恩,对生命充满感激,所遇皆温柔,所见皆美好,愿你日日如此。Full of gratitude to life, full of gratitude to life, meet all gentle, see all beautiful, wish you so every day.比你优秀的人比你还努力,不要在低配的舒适区安慰自己,即便是步履维艰,也要相信未来可期。People who are better than you work harder than you. Do not comfort yourself in your low-match comfort zone, but also believe that the future is foreseeable.

生活就是这样,边失去边补偿,所以莫要继续纠结过往,平和,乐观,才能一路向阳。Life is like this, while losing compensation, so don't continue to struggle with the past, peaceful, optimistic, to all the way to the sun.生活一定会把压轴好运留给你,所以才会让你经历一丢丢乱糟糟的生活!Life will certainly leave the last good luck to you, so it will let you go through a messy life!

疲惫的生活里,要有一丝温柔的盼头,比如穿上漂亮的衣服,和喜欢的人相逢在晚风中。Tired of the life, to have a gentle hope, such as wearing beautiful clothes, and like the people to meet in the evening wind.

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