每个人都是独立的个体,有自己独特的观念。Everyone is an independent individual wi
每个人都是独立的个体,有自己独特的观念。Everyone is an independent individual wi
人际交往,要克制去干涉别人的冲动。In interpersonal communication, one should
及时叫醒自己,专注成长提升Wake yourself up in a timely manner, focus on g
把握契机,主动由内而外改变Seize the opportunity and take the initiative t
人是叫不醒的,只能痛醒People cannot wake up, they can only wake up in p
古语有云:身安不如心安,屋宽不如心宽。There is an ancient saying that goes: pea
佛语有云:境随心转则悦,心随境转则烦。There is a Buddhist saying that goes: If
古人云:“风月无今古,情怀各相异”。The ancient saying goes, 'The wind and
不是自己的朋友圈,不必强行融入。Not your own circle of friends, there's
朋友不在多少,有几个聊得来的伴儿就好。I don't have many friends, just a few
有自己“干净”的朋友圈,并在其中怡然自得。Have your own 'clean' circle of
沈从文一生最推崇的品质是——耐烦。The most revered quality in Shen Congwen
国学大师季羡林曾说:Master of Chinese studies Ji Xianlin once said:“一个
有句老话讲的好,“一日三枣,长生不老”。There is an old saying that goes, 'T
沉香清柔甘醇,利于摄定心神,亦可帮助行气入定,可以帮助人们快速凝神静气。Agarwood is clear, soft,
珍珠,主要产在珍珠贝类和珠母贝类软体动物体内,并经多年磨砺而成。Pearls are mainly produced i
玉不怕摩,越摩越亮。Jade is not afraid of rubbing, the more it rubs, t
李时珍在《本草纲目》中记载:Li Shizhen recorded in the Compendium of Mater
金银除了装饰作用,从生理健康角度讲,中国人喜欢穿金戴银也具有中医学理论基础。In addition to the dec
成长之路,是一个不断战胜自我的过程。The path of growth is a continuous process