
英语一点 2025-02-12 21:08:46

英语中常见的表示“街道”的词有:street、alley、avenue、highway、lane、 motorway和road。这些词都指供机动车辆使用的畅通无阻的公共通道。

1.street是所有此类公共通道的总称,比如:He turned into a narrow street.他拐进了一条狭窄的街道。

2.alley多指路面狭窄的街道,它位于楼群之间或背后d 建筑群中间或后面的)小街,小巷,胡同,是为邮递送货、收运垃圾、停放车辆而开辟的。alley是中性词,但常伴有令人不快的黑暗、阴湿或不干净的含义。比如:

When he saw the police arrive, he bolted down an alley.他看见警察来了,便从小巷逃走了。He wheeled his bike into the alley at the side of the house.他把自行车推进了房屋一侧的胡同里。


He walked up Fifth Avenue to clear his head.他在第五大街上走,让头脑清醒清醒。


The getaway car was dumped near the motorway.那辆逃亡的小汽车被丢弃在高速公路附近。A nine-mile stretch of motorway has been closed.一段九英里长的高速公路已关闭。

Sorry I'm late. There was a hold-up on the motorway.抱歉,我来晚了,公路上堵车了。

5.road 指为车辆行驶而建造的坚硬的“路、道路、公路”。也可以用于引申意义。比如:

They live just along/up/down the road.他们就住在这条路前面不远的地方。The house is on a very busy road.房子位于一条交通非常繁忙的公路旁边。The government took another step on the road to political reform.政府又在政治改革的道路上迈进了一步。


They drove through the cotton fields that flanked Highway 17.他们驾车穿过了17号公路边上的棉田。The Florida Highway Patrol shut down the 20-mile stretch of the interstate.弗罗里达公路巡逻队关闭了20英里的州际公路段。


The quickest way is through the back lanes behind the bus station.最近的路是穿过公共汽车站后面的小巷。The lane leading to the farm was in full view of the house windows.通往农场的那条车道从那房子的窗户可一览无余。

A little way further down the lane we passed the driveway to a house.我们沿着小巷又走了一小段距离,穿过车道来到一幢房子前。The collision took place in one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world.撞船事件发生在世界上最繁忙的一条船运航道上。

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