Sometimes, a star is near a black hole, but not close enough to get sucked in. The black hole and the star pull on each other and orbit around each other. So if a space scientist sees a star circling around something they can't see, this can tell them where a black hole is hiding.

Black holes are also thought to send out streams of X-rays, which are a kind of energy ray, similar to light. We can't see X-rays ourselves, but we have telescopes that can detect them. So this is another clue that can show where in space black holes are.

Naming black holes黑洞的命名
When space scientists find something that looks like a black hole, they mark it on a map of the sky and give it a name. These names are made up of letters and numbers, which tell other space scientists where the black hole can be found.
Black holes are often named after the constellations, or star patterns, that are close to them in the sky. For example, there is a black hole among the stars of Cygnus, the swan. This black hole has been named Cygnus X-1.
