What does a black hole look like? 黑洞是什么样子的?
Black holes look black! Because they suck everything deep inside them, including light, they appear from the outside as nothing but darkness.
Space scientists are now hoping to take a real, close-up photograph of a black hole to see if it really does appear as a dark, round empty space. This has never been done before, as our telescopes have not been powerful enough. Space scientists plan to do it by combining the power of several different telescopes.


What will the telescopes see? As objects swirl into a black hole and speed up, they get hot and glow. Capturing an image of these bright, glowing objects could reveal the outline of the hole.
What space scientists can tell us is that there are different kinds of black hole. The simplest type of black hole is medium-sized and formed from a dead star. Some black holes also rotate, or spin around.

Stars form from gas clumping together. As the gas gathers into a ball, its movement makes the star spin around. If a star comes close to another space object, it may get caught by its gravity and begin orbiting around it. Then, if a star becomes a black hole, this spinning or circling movement continues. Some black holes seem to be much bigger than normal. Scientists are not sure how they formed.
