
予锐评课程 2024-06-20 05:35:37
Sentence & Translation 1 – 100Excuse me, could you help me find my seat?對不起,能幫我找一下座位嗎?Sure, your seat is 14A, just down this aisle on your left.當然可以,您的座位是 14A,就在這條過道的左邊Thank you. Do you know if there’s space for my carry-on?謝謝 您知道我的隨身行李有地方放嗎?Yes, there should be space in the overhead bin.是的,頭頂行李箱應該有空間Can I get a blanket, please?能給我一條毯子嗎?Of course, I’ll bring one right over.當然,我馬上拿一條過來Is there a vegetarian meal option available?有素食嗎?Yes, we have a vegetarian pasta. Would you like that?有,我們有素食意大利麵 您想吃嗎?That sounds great, thank you.聽起來不錯,謝謝When will we be landing in New York?我們什麼時候在紐約著陸?We should be landing in about three hours.大約三小時後降落Can I have some water, please?能給我倒杯水嗎?Here you go. Anything else I can get for you?給你 還需要什麼嗎?No, that’s all for now. Thank you.不用了,就這些了 謝謝How do I use the in-flight entertainment system?如何使用機上娛樂系統?Just touch the screen in front of you to get started.只需觸摸您面前的屏幕即可開始使用Excuse me, where is the nearest restroom?請問最近的洗手間在哪裡?It’s at the back of the plane on your left.在飛機後面左手邊Can I purchase headphones?我能買耳機嗎?Yes, they are available for $5. Would you like a pair?可以,售價 5 美元 您想要一副嗎?Yes, I’ll take a pair. Thank you.是的,我要一副 謝謝Could you show me how to recline my seat?您能告訴我如何躺下嗎?Sure, just press the button on the side of the armrest.當然可以,只需按下扶手側面的按鈕Is it possible to change my seat to a window seat?我的座位可以換成靠窗的嗎?Let me check… Yes, we have one available. Follow me.讓我看看… 是的,我們有一個空位 請跟我來Can I get an extra pillow, please?能多給我一個枕頭嗎?Absolutely, I’ll bring it right over.當然可以,我馬上拿過來Are there any special forms I need to fill out before landing?著陸前需要填寫什麼特別表格嗎?Yes, you’ll need to complete this customs declaration form.是的,您需要填寫這份海關申報單Can I have another cup of coffee, please?能再給我一杯咖啡嗎?Of course, would you like cream and sugar with that?當然可以,要加奶油和糖嗎?Just black, please.請給我一杯黑咖啡How do I turn on the reading light?如何打開閱讀燈?There’s a button above your head that controls the light.你頭頂上有個按鈕可以控制燈光Can I order a snack now?我現在能點一份點心嗎?Yes, we have several options. Here’s the menu.可以,我們有幾種選擇 這是菜單I’ll have the cheese platter, please.我要一份奶酪拼盤Is there Wi-Fi available on this flight?這趟航班有無線網絡連接嗎?Yes, you can purchase Wi-Fi access through the in-flight system.是的,您可以通過機上系統購買 Wi-Fi 上網服務Can I use my laptop during the flight?我可以在飛行途中使用筆記本電腦嗎?Yes, but please wait until we reach cruising altitude.可以,但請等到我們到達巡航高度後再使用Excuse me, when will the movie start?請問,電影什麼時候開始?You can start watching it anytime on your screen.您可以隨時在屏幕上開始觀看Can you help me with my overhead bin?能幫我拿一下頭頂上的垃圾桶嗎?Sure, let me get that for you.當然,我幫你拿Do you have a pen I can borrow?你有筆可以借我嗎?Yes, here you go.有,給你Can I change my meal preference?我可以改變我的用餐偏好嗎?Let me see if we can accommodate that. What would you prefer?讓我看看能否滿足您的要求 您想吃什麼?I would like the chicken meal instead.我想換成雞肉餐Is it too late to request a window seat?現在申請靠窗的座位還來得及嗎?Let me check if there are any available.讓我看看有沒有空位Excuse me, where is the emergency exit?請問緊急出口在哪裡?It’s located just behind you.就在你後面How long is the flight?飛行時間有多長?The flight duration is about six hours.飛行時間約為六小時Can you tell me more about the duty-free items?您能告訴我更多關於免稅品的信息嗎?Sure, here’s our duty-free catalog.當然,這是我們的免稅商品目錄Can I get some earplugs?能給我一些耳塞嗎?Yes, I’ll bring some to you.好的,我給您帶幾個When will we be served lunch?我們什麼時候吃午飯?Lunch will be served in about an hour.大約一小時後供應午餐Can I recline my seat during takeoff?起飛時我可以躺在座位上嗎?No, please keep your seat upright until we reach cruising altitude.不能,請保持座位直立,直到我們到達巡航高度Can I have a soda, please?能給我一杯蘇打水嗎?Of course, what kind would you like?當然可以,您想要哪種?A ginger ale, please.請給我一杯薑汁汽水Is it safe to use my phone now?現在用我的手機安全嗎?You can use it in airplane mode only.只能在飛行模式下使用Can I move to an empty row if available?如果有空位,我可以換到空行嗎?Yes, once we’re at cruising altitude, you can move.是的,一旦我們到達巡航高度,你就可以移動了Can I get a copy of the in-flight magazine?能給我一份機上雜誌嗎?Yes, I’ll bring one to you.可以,我會給您帶一本How do I connect to the in-flight Wi-Fi?如何連接機上無線網絡?Follow the instructions on the card in your seat pocket.按照座位口袋里卡片上的說明操作Can I have a blanket and pillow, please?能給我一條毯子和一個枕頭嗎?Yes, I’ll get those for you right away.好的,我馬上給您拿When is the best time to fill out the customs form?填寫海關表格的最佳時間是什麼時候?You can fill it out anytime before landing.著陸前隨時都可以填寫Can I upgrade to business?我可以升級到商務艙嗎?Let me check availability for you.讓我為您查詢空位情況Do you have a vegetarian snack option?有素食點心嗎?Yes, we have fruit and nut bars.有,我們有水果和堅果棒When will we start our descent?我們什麼時候開始下山?In about 30 minutes, we’ll begin our descent.大約 30 分鐘後,我們將開始下降Can I have some ice for my drink, please?能給我的飲料加點冰嗎?Certainly, I’ll get that for you.當然可以,我這就去給您拿Is there a way to charge my phone on this plane?飛機上有辦法給我的手機充電嗎?Yes, there’s a USB port in the seatback in front of you.是的,您前面的椅背上有一個 USB 接口Can I have some hot tea, please?能給我來點熱茶嗎?Of course, I’ll bring that for you.當然,我會為您準備的Is there an emergency medical kit on board?機上有緊急醫療箱嗎?Yes, we have a medical kit for emergencies.是的,我們有應急醫藥箱Can I get another blanket, please?能再給我一條毯子嗎?Yes, I’ll bring one right away.好的,我馬上去拿How do I adjust the air vent above my seat?如何調節座位上方的通風口?You can twist the vent to control the airflow.您可以扭動通風口來控制氣流Can I get a glass of wine, please?能給我來杯酒嗎?Yes, we have red and white wine available. Which would you prefer?可以,我們有紅葡萄酒和白葡萄酒 您喜歡哪種?I’ll have the red wine, please.我要紅葡萄酒 謝謝Sentence & Translation 101 – 200Can I have a refill on my water, please?請給我續杯水好嗎?Sure, I’ll bring that right over.好的,我馬上拿過來Is there an extra blanket available?有多餘的毯子嗎?Yes, I’ll get one for you.有,我給你拿一條Can I change my seat to the aisle?我能換到過道的座位嗎?Let me see if there’s one available.我看看有沒有空位Is there a kids’ meal option?有兒童餐嗎?Yes, we have a special meal for children. Would you like to order one?有,我們有專門的兒童餐 您想點一份嗎?That would be great, thank you.那太好了 謝謝Could you assist me with my seatbelt?您能幫我系一下安全帶嗎?Of course, let me help you with that.當然,讓我來幫您吧When will the seatbelt sign be turned off?安全帶標誌何時關閉?It should be turned off shortly after takeoff.起飛後不久就會關閉Can I request a special meal for the return flight?我可以要求在返程航班上提供特殊餐食嗎?Yes, I can note that for you.可以,我可以為您記錄下來Can you tell me how to adjust the seat?您能告訴我如何調整座位嗎?There’s a lever on the side that controls the seat adjustments.側面有一個控制桿,可以控制座椅的調節May I have some ginger ale, please?我能喝點薑汁汽水嗎?Yes, I’ll bring that for you.好的,我給您拿過來Are we allowed to use electronic devices now?我們現在可以使用電子設備嗎?Yes, you can use them once we’re at cruising altitude.是的,一旦到達巡航高度就可以使用How do I turn on the overhead light?如何打開頂燈?There’s a button above your seat that you can press.座位上方有一個按鈕,您可以按一下Can I get some extra napkins, please?能多給我幾張餐巾紙嗎?Yes, I’ll get those for you.好的,我幫您拿Is there an extra blanket for my child?有多餘的毯子給我的孩子嗎?Yes, I’ll bring one right over.有,我馬上拿一條過來Can I have another glass of wine, please?能再給我一杯酒嗎?Certainly, red or white?當然可以,紅酒還是白酒?Red, please.紅葡萄酒 謝謝Can I have a hot towel, please?能給我一條熱毛巾嗎?Yes, I’ll get one for you.好的,我給你拿一條How do I check the flight status?如何查看航班狀態?You can check the screen in front of you for updates.您可以查看前方屏幕上的更新信息Can I use the restroom now?我現在可以使用洗手間嗎?Yes, the seatbelt sign is off, you can use the restroom.是的,安全帶標誌已關閉,您可以使用洗手間Can I get some more ice, please?請再給我一些冰塊,好嗎?Sure, I’ll bring that for you.好的,我給您拿過來Do you have any magazines to read?您有雜誌要看嗎?Yes, we have a selection of magazines. I’ll bring them to you.有,我們有一些雜誌 我拿給您Can I ask for a pillow, please?能給我一個枕頭嗎?Yes, I’ll get one for you.好的,我給你拿一個How do I adjust the armrest?如何調節扶手?There’s a button underneath that you can press to adjust it.下面有個按鈕,按一下就可以調節Can I order a glass of champagne?我可以點一杯香檳嗎?Yes, I’ll bring that for you.可以,我給您拿過來Can I get a baby bottle warmed up?我可以把奶瓶熱一下嗎?Yes, we can warm that for you. Please give it to me.可以,我們可以幫您熱一下 請給我How long until the next meal service?距離下次用餐還有多久?The next meal service will be in about two hours.下一餐服務大約在兩小時後Can I get some earplugs, please?能給我一些耳塞嗎?Yes, I’ll bring those right over.好的,我馬上拿過來Is there a doctor on board?機上有醫生嗎?Let me check if there’s a doctor on board.讓我看看機上有沒有醫生Can I get an extra cup of coffee?能多給我一杯咖啡嗎?Yes, I’ll bring that for you.好的,我幫您拿How do I use the seatback screen?如何使用椅背屏幕?You can tap the screen to navigate the menu.您可以點擊屏幕瀏覽菜單Can I get a cup of hot chocolate?我能喝杯熱巧克力嗎?Yes, I’ll bring that for you.可以,我給您拿過來Can I switch seats with my friend?我能和我的朋友換座位嗎?Let me check if that’s possible.讓我看看是否可以Do you have a blanket for my child?你們有毯子給我的孩子嗎?Yes, I’ll bring one right over.有,我馬上拿一條過來Can I get another soda, please?能再給我一杯蘇打水嗎?Sure, which kind would you like?好的,您要哪種?A cola, please.可樂 謝謝How long until we start our descent?還有多久開始下降?We’ll start our descent in about 45 minutes.大約 45 分鐘後開始下降Can I have a snack, please?我能吃點零食嗎?Yes, here’s the menu. What would you like?可以,這是菜單 您想吃點什麼?I’ll have the mixed nuts, please.我要混合堅果 謝謝Can I get a glass of juice, please?請給我一杯果汁好嗎?Sure, what kind of juice would you like?好的,您要哪種果汁?Orange juice, please.橙汁 謝謝Can you help me with the tray table?能幫我拿一下托盤桌嗎?Yes, let me show you how to open it.可以,我教你怎麼打開它Can I get a second blanket, please?能再給我一條毯子嗎?Yes, I’ll bring that for you.好的,我給您拿過來How do I turn off the overhead light?如何關閉頂燈?There’s a button above your seat that you can press to turn it off.您座位上方有一個按鈕,按一下就可以關閉Can I have a cup of green tea, please?能給我一杯綠茶嗎?Yes, I’ll bring that for you.好的,我給您端來Is it possible to get an aisle seat?有可能買到靠走道的座位嗎?Let me check if there are any available.我看看有沒有空位Can I get a refill on my coffee, please?能給我續杯咖啡嗎?Sure, I’ll bring that right over.好的,我這就去拿Do you have any newspapers?有報紙嗎?Yes, I’ll bring one for you.有,我給你帶一份Can I use my laptop now?我現在可以用我的筆記本電腦嗎?Yes, you can use it once we reach cruising altitude.可以,到達巡航高度後就可以用了How do I connect my headphones to the in-flight system?如何將耳機連接到機上系統?There’s a jack on the armrest for your headphones.扶手上有一個耳機插孔Can I get some extra napkins, please?請給我一些額外的餐巾紙,好嗎?Yes, I’ll get those for you.好的,我幫您拿Is there a vegetarian meal option available?有素食餐可供選擇嗎?Yes, we have a vegetarian pasta. Would you like that?有,我們有素食意大利麵 您想吃嗎?That sounds great, thank you.聽起來不錯 謝謝When will we be landing in New York?我們什麼時候在紐約降落?We should be landing in about three hours.大約三小時後降落
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