
予锐评课程 2024-06-21 07:43:54
Sentence & Translation 1 – 100Can I help you find anything today?今天需要我幫您找什麼嗎?Yes, I’m looking for a summer dress in a size medium.是的,我想找一件中碼的夏裝Let me check in the back for you.我幫您看看後面Thanks! Could you also tell me if it comes in other colors?謝謝!您能告訴我是否還有其他顏色嗎?We have it in blue and pink as well. Would you like to see both?我們還有藍色和粉紅色。您想看看這兩種顏色嗎?Just the blue one, please.請只看藍色的Here it is. Would you like to try it on?就是這件。您想試穿一下嗎?Yes, where are the fitting rooms?是的,試衣間在哪裡?Right this way, let me show you.這邊走,我帶你去How does the dress fit?衣服合身嗎?It’s a bit tight around the shoulders. Do you have a large?肩部有點緊。你有大號的嗎?I’ll check for you. Also, this style is on sale today—20% off.我幫你看看。另外,這個款式今天打折-20%Oh, that’s great! Yes, I’d love to see the large if you have it.哦,那太好了!如果有大號的,我很想看看You’re in luck, here’s one in large. Anything else you’d like to look at?你很幸運,這裡有一件大號的。還有什麼想看的嗎?No, this is perfect. How much will it be with the discount?沒有了,這件很好。打折後多少錢?Let me ring that up at the register.我去收銀台結賬It comes to $40 after the discount.打折後是 40 美元I’ll take it. Can I pay by credit card?我要了。我可以用信用卡付款嗎?Certainly. Please insert your card here.當然可以。請在此插入您的信用卡Would you like a receipt with that?您需要收據嗎?Yes, please. Can you also email me a copy?好的,謝謝。您能用電子郵件發送一份副本給我嗎?Sure, what’s your email address?當然可以,您的電子郵件地址是什麼?It’s 1234@gmail.com1234@gmail.comAll set! Here’s your receipt and the dress is bagged.好了 這是您的收據,衣服已裝袋Thank you! Have a great day.謝謝!祝您愉快You too! Thank you for shopping with us.您也是!感謝您光臨本店購物Excuse me, where can I find the men’s shoes?請問男鞋在哪裡可以買到?They’re right over there, by the escalators.就在那邊,扶梯旁邊Do you carry running shoes?你們有跑步鞋嗎?Yes, we have a variety of brands and models. What size do you need?有,我們有各種品牌和型號。您需要什麼尺碼的?Size 10, please. What’s the price range?10碼,謝謝。價格範圍是多少?They start at $50 and go up to $150 depending on the brand and features.起價 50 美元,最高 150 美元,取決於品牌和功能Can I try on this pair here?我能在這裡試穿這雙嗎?Sure, I’ll bring you a size 10. Any specific color?當然可以,我給你拿一個 10 號的。有特定的顏色嗎?Black would be great, thanks.黑色最好,謝謝Here you are. Let me know if they fit well.給你 如果合身,請告訴我They’re a bit snug. Do you have size 11?有點緊 你有 11 號嗎?I’ll check in the back for you.我去後面幫你看看Thanks! While you’re at it, could you check if there are any ongoing promotions?謝謝!順便問一下,有沒有正在進行的促銷活動?Definitely. There’s a 15% discount on your first purchase if you sign up for our store card.當然有。如果您註冊我們的商店卡,首次購物可享受八五折優惠That sounds good. I’ll think about it while I try the larger size.聽起來不錯。我試試大號的,再考慮考慮Here’s size 11. And just to let you know, signing up is free and takes only a minute.這是11號的 註冊免費,只需一分鐘Okay, I’ll sign up. These shoes fit much better.好的,我註冊。這雙鞋更合腳了Great! I can help you with the signup at the checkout.好極了 我可以在結賬時幫您註冊Done signing up. How much do I save with the discount?完成註冊。我可以節省多少折扣?It’s $12.75 off the regular price, so your total is $72.25.比正價便宜 12.75 美元,所以您的總價是 72.25 美元Perfect, I’ll buy them. Can I pay with a check?太好了,我買了。我可以用支票付款嗎?Unfortunately, we only accept cards and cash.很抱歉,我們只接受銀行卡和現金No problem, I’ll pay with cash.沒問題,我用現金支付Here’s the cash. Could I get a bag for the shoes?這是現金。能給我一個裝鞋的袋子嗎?Of course. Here’s your change and the shoes in a bag.當然可以。這是你的零錢,還有裝在袋子裡的鞋子Thank you! Where can I find the customer service desk?謝謝!請問客戶服務台在哪裡?It’s back by the entrance, next to the elevators.在入口處,電梯旁邊I need to return a jacket I bought last week. It’s too small.我想退掉上周買的一件夾克。它太小了Do you have the receipt or the card you used to purchase it?您有購買時使用的收據或卡嗎?Here’s the receipt.這是收據Thank you. The return process will take just a moment.謝謝。退貨過程只需片刻Can I exchange it for a different size?我可以換一個尺寸嗎?Let me check our inventory. What size do you need?讓我看看我們的庫存。您需要什麼尺碼?A medium would be great.中號最好Unfortunately, we’re out of mediums. Would you like to choose another item, or would you prefer a refund?很抱歉,我們沒有中碼了。您想選擇其他商品還是退款?I think I’ll just take the refund.我想我還是選擇退款吧Alright, I’ve processed your refund. It should appear on your card within 3-5 business days.好的,我已經處理了您的退款。退款將在 3-5 個工作日內顯示在您的銀行卡上Thanks for your help. How often do you get new stock?謝謝您的幫助。你們多久會有新貨?We receive new items every Tuesday, so it’s best to check back then.我們每週二都會收到新貨,所以最好到時再查看Good to know. Thanks again.很高興知道。再次感謝You’re welcome! Have a good day.不客氣!祝你愉快Could you tell me where the sale items are?能告訴我特價商品在哪裡嗎?Sure, they’re in the back section on the left.當然可以,在後面左邊的區域Do these pants come in black?這條褲子有黑色的嗎?Yes, they do. Let me show you where they are.沒錯 讓我告訴你它們在哪裡I found the pants, but I’m looking for a size 34.我找到褲子了,但我要找 34 碼的I’ll go and see if we have that size in stock.我去看看有沒有這個尺碼的存貨Also, is there a matching belt I could buy with these?另外,有沒有與這些褲子配套的腰帶?Yes, the belts are right next to the pants. There’s a discount if you buy them together.有,腰帶就在褲子旁邊。如果一起買的話會有折扣Oh, that’s great. Please bring me a size 34 in the pants and a medium belt.哦,那太好了!請給我拿一條 34 碼的褲子和一條中號皮帶Here you are. The belt also comes in brown and black, which one would you like?給您。腰帶也有棕色和黑色兩種,您想要哪一種?Black, please.黑色,謝謝Here’s the belt and the pants. Would you like to try them on?這是皮帶和褲子。您想試穿一下嗎?Yes, that would be helpful. Thanks.好的,這將很有幫助。謝謝Take your time. The fitting rooms are just around the corner.慢慢來。試衣間就在拐角處They both fit well. I’ll take them.兩件都很合身。我要了Excellent choice. Let’s head to the checkout.很好的選擇。我們去結帳吧What’s the total with the discount?打折後一共多少錢?With the discount, the total comes to $55.打折後總計 55 美元Here’s my card. Can I accumulate points with this purchase?這是我的卡。這次購物可以累積積分嗎?Yes, I’ll add the points to your loyalty card.可以,我會將積分存入您的會員卡Great! Could you also gift-wrap these items?太好了!您能將這些商品包裝成禮品嗎?Sure, it’ll take just a few minutes.當然可以,幾分鐘就好I appreciate it. Is there a charge for the gift wrap?非常感謝。禮品包裝要收費嗎?It’s complimentary with any purchase above $50.購買任何 50 美元以上的商品都免費Perfect. Here’s a tip for your help.好極了。這是給您的小費Thank you very much! Here’s your package.非常感謝!這是您的包裹Have a great day and thank you for all your help.祝您今天愉快,謝謝您的幫助My pleasure, enjoy your purchase!我的榮幸,祝您購物愉快!Excuse me, do you have any coupons available for today?請問,今天有優惠券嗎?Yes, we have a 10% off coupon for purchases over $100.有,購物滿 100 美元可享受九折優惠券Great, I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks for the information.很好,我會記住的。謝謝您提供的信息You’re welcome. Enjoy your shopping!不客氣。祝您購物愉快!Will do, thanks!好的,謝謝!Sentence & Translation 101 – 200Could you tell me where the electronics section is?能告訴我電子產品區在哪裡嗎?It’s on the second floor, next to the home appliances.在二樓,家電區旁邊I’m looking for a new laptop. What models do you have?我想買一台新筆記本電腦。你們有哪些型號?We have several brands available. Are you looking for something specific?我們有多個品牌可供選擇。您是否在尋找特定的產品?I need something suitable for graphic design.我需要適合平面設計的產品You might like this model here. It has a high-resolution display and powerful graphics card.您可能會喜歡這個型號。它擁有高分辨率顯示屏和功能強大的顯卡Sounds good. Can I see it in action?聽起來不錯。我能看看它的實際效果嗎?Sure, I’ll set it up for a demo right now.當然可以,我現在就給它設置一個演示How much is it?多少錢?It’s $1200, but we have a 10% off promotion this weekend.1200美元,不過這個週末我們有九折促銷Can I extend the warranty?我能延長保修期嗎?Yes, you can add an extended warranty for an additional $99.可以,您可以額外支付 99 美元延長保修期I’ll take the extended warranty as well. Can you help me set it up?我也要延保。您能幫我設置嗎?Absolutely, we can set it up for you at the tech support desk after your purchase.當然可以,我們可以在您購買後在技術支持台為您設置Great, let’s go ahead with the purchase then.太好了,那我們就繼續購買吧Please follow me to the checkout.請跟我來結帳Do you accept Apple Pay?你們接受 Apple Pay 嗎?Yes, we do. You can use it here.是的,我們接受。您可以在這裡使用Here’s my phone for the payment.這是我的手機,用於支付Payment is successful. Here’s your receipt and warranty details.付款成功。這是您的收據和保修詳情Thank you! Where can I pick up the laptop?謝謝!我可以在哪裡領取筆記本電腦?It will be ready at the pickup counter in about 15 minutes.大約 15 分鐘後就可以在取貨櫃檯取貨了Perfect, I’ll browse around a bit more until then.很好,在那之前我再四處逛逛Let me know if you need assistance with anything else.如果您還需要其他幫助,請告訴我Actually, where can I find headphones?實際上,我在哪裡可以找到耳機?Headphones are right across from here, by the mobile phones.耳機就在對面,手機旁邊Do these headphones have noise cancelling features?這些耳機有降噪功能嗎?Yes, this model is great for noise cancellation and has excellent reviews.有,這款耳機的降噪功能很好,評價也很高Can I test them out?我能試用一下嗎?Sure, here’s a demo pair connected to this music player.當然可以,這裡有一對連接到這款音樂播放器的演示耳機They sound great! How much are they?聽起來不錯!多少錢?They’re currently on sale for $150.目前特價 150 美元I’ll take these as well. Can you add them to my previous purchase?我也要這個 你能把它們加到我之前買的東西上嗎?Of course. Let’s update your transaction.當然可以。讓我們更新您的交易Do you need my phone again for the payment?付款時還需要我的手機嗎?No need, I can add it to the existing payment method.不需要,我可以把它添加到現有的付款方式中Excellent. Could I also get these gift wrapped?非常好。還可以給我包裝一下嗎?Definitely. It will just take a few minutes.當然可以。幾分鐘就好Thank you. I’ll wait by the pickup counter.謝謝,我在取貨櫃檯等你Here are your headphones and laptop, all wrapped up.這是你的耳機和筆記本電腦,都包好了Thanks so much for your help today.非常感謝你今天的幫助You’re welcome! Enjoy your new gadgets.不客氣!好好享受你的新玩意兒吧!Excuse me, I’m looking for organic skincare products.不好意思,我想買有機護膚品They’re in the beauty section, aisle five.它們在第五過道的美容區Do you have any products that are suitable for sensitive skin?你們有適合敏感性皮膚的產品嗎?Yes, these products here are all hypoallergenic and made from natural ingredients.有,這些產品都是低過敏性的,由天然成分製成Can I get a sample to try before buying?在購買之前,我能得到一個樣品試用嗎?Sure, here are some sample packets of our most popular products.當然可以,這裡有一些我們最受歡迎產品的樣品包How do I use this serum?如何使用這款精華液?Apply it to clean skin every night before bed for the best results.每晚睡前將它塗抹在乾淨的皮膚上,以獲得最佳效果Thank you. What’s the price of the full-size bottle?謝謝。全瓶的價格是多少?It’s $35, but if you buy two, you get 20% off the second bottle.35美元,但如果買兩瓶,第二瓶打八折I’ll start with one for now. Can I return it if it doesn’t suit my skin?我先用一瓶。如果它不適合我的皮膚,我可以退貨嗎?Absolutely, you have 30 days to return it with the receipt.當然可以,您可以在 30 天內憑收據退貨Here’s my card for the purchase.這是我的購物卡Transaction complete. Here’s your receipt and the serum.交易完成。這是您的收據和精華液Thanks! Where can I find the cashier?謝謝 我在哪裡可以找到收銀員?The cash registers are right over there, by the exit.收銀台就在那邊,出口旁邊Could you help me find a birthday card?能幫我找一張生日賀卡嗎?Birthday cards are in the stationery aisle, near the front of the store.生日卡在文具過道裡,靠近店門口I’m looking for something funny. Any recommendations?我在找一些有趣的東西。有什麼推薦嗎?This section here has humorous cards. Take a look.這裡有幽默卡片。看看吧This one’s perfect. How much is it?這張很完美。多少錢?It’s $美元I’ll take it. Can I check out here?我買了 我能在這裡結賬嗎?Yes, I can take care of that for you right now.可以,我現在就可以幫您結賬Here’s a $10 bill.這裡有一張 10 美元的鈔票Here’s your change, and here’s the card. Would you like an envelope?這是找您的零錢,這是卡。要信封嗎?Yes, please.好的,謝謝Here you go. Anything else I can assist with?給您 還有什麼需要我幫忙的嗎?No, that’s all for today. Thank you.不用了,今天就到這裡吧 謝謝You’re welcome! Have a great day.不客氣!祝您愉快Excuse me, where can I find fresh produce?請問,哪裡可以買到新鮮的農產品?The produce section is right at the back of the store.農產品區就在商店後面Are these apples organic?這些蘋果是有機的嗎?Yes, all the apples in this section are organic.是的,這個區的所有蘋果都是有機的I’ll take a pound of these, please.請給我一磅Sure, I’ll weigh these for you.好的,我幫您稱一下How much do I owe you?我欠你多少錢?That’ll be $2.50 for the apples.蘋果 2.5 美元Here’s $3. Keep the change.這是 3 美元,不用找了Thank you very much. Would you like a bag for these?非常感謝 你要用袋子裝這些嗎?Yes, a paper bag, please.是的,請給我一個紙袋Here’s your bag. Enjoy your apples!這是你的袋子 請享用您的蘋果!Thank you, I will. Do you have almond milk?謝謝,我會的。有杏仁牛奶嗎?Yes, it’s in the dairy section, just next to the produce.有,在奶製品區,就在農產品區旁邊Is it on sale?打折嗎?Yes, there’s a promotion today—buy one, get one half off.是的,今天有促銷活動–買一送一,半價Great, I’ll take two then.太好了,那我買兩件Here they are. Shall I ring them up with the apples?在這兒呢。要我把它們和蘋果一起打包嗎?Yes, please. All together now.好的,謝謝。一起來吧That comes to $7.75 total.一共是7.75美元Here’s my card.這是我的卡Processed successfully. Here’s your receipt.處理成功。這是你的收據Thanks! Have a nice day.謝謝 祝您愉快You too, thanks for shopping with us.您也是,謝謝您光臨本店購物Excuse me, can you direct me to the customer service desk?請問,您能指引我到客戶服務台嗎?It’s right over there, across from the checkout counters.就在那邊,收銀台對面Thank you. I need to ask about a product return.謝謝。我要諮詢退貨事宜Of course, just head over and they’ll be able to help you.當然,您只要過去,他們就能幫您
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