
予锐评课程 2024-06-21 07:43:53
Sentence & Translation 1 – 100Good morning!早安How are you today?你今天好嗎What’s for breakfast?早餐吃什麼I need to brush my teeth.我需要刷牙Have a great day!祝你有美好的一天Can you pass the salt, please?請你把鹽遞給我好嗎I’m running late for work.我上班要遲到了Where’s the nearest bus stop?最近的公車站在哪裡It’s raining outside.外面正在下雨I have a dentist appointment at 2 PM.我下午兩點有牙醫的約會What’s your favorite movie?你最喜歡的電影是什麼Can I borrow your pen?我可以借你的筆嗎Let’s go for a walk.我們一起去散步吧Do you have any plans for the weekend?週末你有什麼計劃嗎I love to read books.我喜歡閱讀書籍What’s the weather like today?今天天氣如何This coffee is delicious.這杯咖啡很好喝I need to buy some groceries.我需要買一些食品東西What time is it?現在幾點了Let’s go shopping.我們一起去購物I’m feeling tired.我感覺很累What’s your favorite color?你最喜歡的顏色是什麼I have a headache.我頭痛Do you like to travel?你喜歡旅行嗎Can you help me with this problem?你能幫我解決這個問題嗎I’m going to the gym.我要去健身房What’s your name?你叫什麼名字Please don’t disturb me right now.現在請不要打擾我I have a meeting at 3 PM.我下午三點有個會議Can you recommend a good restaurant?你可以推薦一家好餐廳嗎Let’s watch a movie tonight.今晚我們看電影吧I’m so hungry.我好餓How was your day?你今天過得怎麼樣I’m sorry for being late.對不起,我遲到了Can you speak English?你會說英語嗎What’s your phone number?你的電話號碼是多少Where is the nearest restroom?最近的洗手間在哪裡I have to do laundry today.今天我必須洗衣服What’s your favorite food?你最喜歡的食物是什麼Do you have any siblings?你有兄弟姐妹嗎I need to pay my bills.我需要支付我的帳單Let’s go to the park.我們去公園吧I like to listen to music.我喜歡聽音樂What’s your favorite sport?你最喜歡的運動是什麼Can you give me directions?你能給我指路嗎I’m looking for a job.我在找工作What’s your email address?你的電子郵件地址是什麼Let’s go out for dinner.我們去外面吃晚餐吧I have to clean the house.我必須打掃房子What’s your favorite book?你最喜歡的書是什麼I’m studying English.我正在學英語Do you have any pets?你有寵物嗎Can I have a glass of water?我可以要一杯水嗎What’s your birthday?你的生日是什麼時候I’m feeling better now.我現在感覺好些了Let’s go to the beach.我們去海灘吧I have to send an email.我必須寄封郵件What’s your favorite hobby?你最喜歡的愛好是什麼I need to fix my car.我需要修理我的車Can you lend me some money?你可以借我一些錢嗎I have a doctor’s appointment.我有醫生的約會Let’s go for a bike ride.我們騎自行車吧I love to cook.我喜歡烹飪What’s your favorite TV show?你最喜歡的電視節目是什麼I’m going on vacation.我要去度假Can you recommend a good book?你能推薦一本好書嗎I have to take a shower.我必須洗澡What’s your favorite place to visit?你最喜歡參觀的地方是什麼I’m going to a party tonight.我今晚要參加派對Can I have the check, please?買單,謝謝I have to mow the lawn.我必須修剪草坪Let’s go for a swim.我們去游泳吧I like to play video games.我喜歡玩視頻遊戲What’s your favorite song?你最喜歡的歌曲是什麼I’m going to the movies.我要去看電影Can you pass me the remote?你能把遙控器遞給我嗎I have to feed the cat.我必須餵貓What’s your favorite restaurant?你最喜歡的餐廳是什麼I’m going to the airport.我要去機場Let’s go for a hike.我們去遠足吧I have to finish my homework.我必須完成我的家庭作業Can you pick me up later?你能稍後來接我嗎What’s your favorite holiday?你最喜歡的節日是什麼I’m going to a concert.我要去參加音樂會Let’s go for a drive.我們去兜風吧I have to call my mom.我必須給我媽媽打電話What’s your favorite season?你最喜歡的季節是什麼I’m going to a wedding.我要去參加婚禮Can you turn up the volume?你能把音量調高嗎I have to walk the dog.我必須遛狗Let’s go to a museum.我們去博物館吧I like to take photos.我喜歡拍照What’s your favorite animal?你最喜歡的動物是什麼I’m going to a birthday party.我要去參加生日派對Can you help me with this project?你能幫我完成這個項目嗎I have to water the plants.我必須澆水植物Let’s go to the zoo.我們去動物園吧I like to go camping.我喜歡露營What’s your favorite drink?你最喜歡的飲料是什麼I’m going to visit my grandparents.我要去拜訪我的祖父母Sentence & Translation 101 – 200It’s a beautiful day outside.外面的天氣真美I need to do some laundry.我需要洗一些衣服What’s the Wi-Fi password?Wi-Fi 密碼是什麼Can you help me find my keys?你能幫我找我的鑰匙嗎Let’s go for a picnic.我們去野餐吧I have to fill up the gas tank.我得加滿油箱What’s your favorite type of music?你最喜歡的音樂類型是什麼I’m going to call a taxi.我要打電話叫計程車Let’s go to the gym together.我們一起去健身房吧I have a job interview tomorrow.我明天有個工作面試What’s your favorite fruit?你最喜歡的水果是什麼I’m going to visit a friend.我要去拜訪朋友Can you make a reservation for dinner?你能幫忙訂晚餐嗎Let’s go to a comedy show.我們去看喜劇秀吧I have to check my email.我得檢查我的郵件What’s your favorite season?你最喜歡的季節是什麼I’m going to a family reunion.我要去參加家庭聚會Can you fix this broken chair?你能修好這把壞椅子嗎Let’s go for a bike ride in the park.我們去公園騎自行車吧I have to study for an exam.我得準備考試What’s your favorite dessert?你最喜歡的甜點是什麼I’m going to a museum exhibit.我要去參觀博物館展覽Can you recommend a good movie?你能推薦一部好電影嗎Let’s go for a hike in the mountains.我們去山上遠足吧I have to buy a new phone.我得買一部新手機What’s your favorite type of cuisine?你最喜歡的美食是什麼I’m going to a costume party.我要參加一個化妝派對Can you help me move some furniture?你能幫我搬一些家具嗎Let’s go to a farmers’ market.我們去農夫市場吧I have to write a report.我得寫一份報告What’s your favorite historical period?你最喜歡的歷史時期是什麼I’m going to a charity event.我要參加一個慈善活動Can you give me a hand with this heavy box?你能幫我提一下這個沉重的箱子嗎Let’s go for a stroll in the park.我們去公園散步吧I have to update my resume.我得更新我的簡歷What’s your favorite outdoor activity?你最喜歡的戶外活動是什麼I’m going to a wine tasting.我要去品酒會Can you recommend a good TV series?你能推薦一個好的電視劇嗎Let’s go to a live concert.我們去參加一場現場音樂會吧I have to renew my driver’s license.我得更新我的駕照What’s your favorite childhood memory?你最喜歡的童年回憶是什麼I’m going to a yoga.我要參加瑜伽課程Can you help me install a new app?你能幫我安裝一個新的應用程式嗎Let’s go to a comedy club.我們去看喜劇表演吧I have to paint the walls.我得油漆牆壁What’s your favorite fashion style?你最喜歡的時尚風格是什麼I’m going to a photography workshop.我要去攝影工作坊Can you suggest a good podcast?你能推薦一個好的播客嗎Let’s go to a cooking.我們去烹飪課程吧I have to clean out the garage.我得整理車庫What’s your favorite type of dance?你最喜歡的舞蹈類型是什麼I’m going to a poetry reading.我要去聽詩朗誦會Can you recommend a good workout routine?你能推薦一個好的運動鍛煉計劃嗎Let’s go to a art exhibition.我們去藝術展覽吧I have to declutter my closet.我得整理我的壁櫃What’s your favorite board game?你最喜歡的棋盤遊戲是什麼I’m going to a language.我要去語言課程Can you help me plan a trip?你能幫我計劃一趟旅行嗎Let’s go to a flea market.我們去跳蚤市場吧I have to organize my paperwork.我得整理我的文件What’s your favorite foreign country?你最喜歡的外國國家是什麼I’m going to a craft workshop.我要去工藝工作坊Can you recommend a good documentary?你能推薦一個好的紀錄片嗎Let’s go to a stand-up comedy show.我們去看一場單口喜劇秀吧I have to fix a leaky faucet.我得修理一個漏水的水龍頭What’s your favorite childhood book?你最喜歡的童書是什麼I’m going to a pottery.我要去陶藝課程Can you help me choose a gift?你能幫我選一份禮物嗎Let’s go to a dance performance.我們去看一場舞蹈表演吧I have to assemble some furniture.我得組裝一些家具What’s your favorite holiday destination?你最喜歡的度假目的地是什麼I’m going to a meditation retreat.我要參加冥想營Can you recommend a good book club?你能推薦一個好的讀書會嗎Let’s go to a theater production.我們去看一場劇院表演吧I have to plant some flowers.我得種一些花What’s your favorite video game?你最喜歡的電子遊戲是什麼I’m going to a history lecture.我要參加一場歷史講座Can you help me with my computer?你能幫我處理電腦問題嗎Let’s go to a jazz concert.我們去看一場爵士音樂會吧I have to clean the windows.我得清理窗戶What’s your favorite TV network?你最喜歡的電視網絡是什麼I’m going to a science exhibition.我要參觀一個科技展覽Can you recommend a good travel blog?你能推薦一個好的旅遊部落格嗎Let’s go to a fashion show.我們去看一場時尚秀吧I have to fix a flat tire.我得修理一個爆胎What’s your favorite art form?你最喜歡的藝術形式是什麼I’m going to a film festival.我要參加一個電影節Can you help me choose a restaurant?你能幫我選擇一家餐廳嗎Let’s go to a cultural festival.我們去參加一個文化節慶吧I have to organize a garage sale.我得組織一個車庫拍賣What’s your favorite type of car?你最喜歡的汽車類型是什麼I’m going to a technology conference.我要參加一個科技大會Can you recommend a good recipe?你能推薦一個好的食譜嗎Let’s go to a TEDx talk.我們去參加一個 TEDx 講座吧I have to clean the attic.我得清理閣樓What’s your favorite historical figure?你最喜歡的歷史人物是什麼I’m going to a wildlife sanctuary.我要參觀一個野生動物保護區Can you help me plan a party?你能幫我計劃一個派對嗎Let’s go to a street fair.我們去參加一個街頭市集吧I have to repair a leaky roof.我得修理一個漏水的屋頂What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?你最喜歡的冰淇淋口味是什麼I’m going to a fitness later.我稍後要去參加健身課程Can you help me set up my email?你能幫我設定我的電子郵件嗎Let’s go to a beach party this weekend.這週末我們去參加一個沙灘派對吧I have to send a birthday card.我得寄送一張生日卡What’s your favorite type of movie?你最喜歡什麼類型的電影I’m going to a book signing event.我即將參加一個書籍簽名活動Can you recommend a good podcast episode?你能推薦一集好的播客節目嗎Let’s go for a nature hike in the forest.我們去森林裡自然遠足吧I have to water the plants in the garden.我得去澆花園裡的植物
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