
富甲北京 2024-08-18 15:56:14


Balagan is a three-level gastro market in the Petrogradsky district of St. Petersburg.

▼首层中庭,ground floor atrium© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

▼中庭就餐区,atrium seatings© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

▼茶咖座椅,tea bar seating© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

▼首层茶咖区,tea bar area© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

这座建筑为向心布局,这是由其最初的用途所决定的。自 19 世纪末起这里成为一个市场,后来在 20 世纪70年代的苏联末期,这里成为列宁格勒首批 “万国商店”(即我们现在所说的超市)之一。

The building’s layout, pointed inwards, was originally prompted by its purpose. From the late 19th century it housed a market, and later, in the 70s of the 20th century, at the dusk of the USSR, one of the first ‘Universal Stores’ (or as we know them – supermarkets) in Leningrad.

▼楼梯,staircase© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

▼楼梯旁座位,seatings by the staircase© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

▼向心布局,inwards layout© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova


We were inspired by the idea of returning the place to its historical function and at the same time adapting it to the needs of modern citizens.

▼酒吧区,cocktail bar area© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

▼复古灯具,vintage crystal chandeliers© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova


In the centre, under a huge coffered dome, there is an atrium with the main seats, while the perimeter is grouped with c various gastro projects. Within the seating scheme, we have taken into account the needs of different types of market guests. There are both noisy communal tables on the ground floor and an elegant restaurant area at the very top.

▼藻井穹顶,a huge coffered dome© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

▼顶层就餐区,top floor dining area© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

▼底层喧闹的就餐区,ground floor noisy dining area© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

▼底层就餐区概览,ground floor dining area overview© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

为了与建筑的历史相呼应,我们将现代潮流与跳蚤市场上的苏联美学物件相结合。整个美食市场内部满是苏联风格的元素:水晶吊灯、地毯、苏联公车座椅和传说中的 PO-2 混凝土围栏(一种在苏联时期非常常见的围墙)。在顶层,这里有有童年最喜欢的景点——苏联摩天轮的卡座,里面设有独立桌椅。

▼灵感来源:PO-2 混凝土围栏和摩天轮座舱,PO-2 concrete fence and Soviet Ferris wheel

As a reference to the history of the building, we have combined modern trends with Soviet aesthetic items found at flea markets. The entire interior of the gastro market is filled with references to the Soviet style: crystal chandeliers, carpets, Soviet bus seats, and the legendary PO-2 concrete fence (the most widespread fence in the USSR). And on the top floor, there are booths of the Soviet Ferris wheel — a favourite childhood attraction — with separate tables inside.

▼摩天轮座舱餐位,Soviet Ferris wheel booth© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

▼混凝土围挡,concrete fence© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

▼混凝土围挡细部,concrete fence details© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

▼怀旧物件和水晶吊灯,vintage objects and crystal chandeliers© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova


The three-level space is united by a huge mural, the main reference for which is a Soviet mosaic.

▼联通三层的壁画,huge mural units three levels© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova


The gastromarket is organically blended into the urban context and has become a place of attraction for the citizens. The Balagan Gastromarket is imbued with the vibe of celebration of life and light nostalgia for the Soviet era. Every guest of the market will find a comfortable spot to enjoy delicious food and an echo of Soviet aesthetics.

▼洗手间,washroom© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

▼洗手池,wash basin© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

▼卫生间和楼梯间,toilet and stairwell© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

▼施工照片,in progress© Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov, Ekaterina Maslova

▼轴测图,axonometry© DA bureau

▼平面图,plans© DA bureau

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