
富甲北京 2024-12-16 16:23:31



The story of Trinity Road unfolded over the past five years and is fundamentally a story of fire resilience and succession of the surrounding forest. The garden was designed and the project considered completed when two wildfires ravaged the hills immediately surrounding the site. After the fires the landscape design team was brought in to create a new vision for the site that knit together the original planting and a new series of paths and gardens. The designers observed the native species that were first to grow in naturally after the fires and borrowed from their observations to cultivate a landscape that is more resilient. The finished garden incorporates the new character of a forest in transformation.

▲丘陵和山谷:项目坐落于索诺玛县森林覆盖的丘陵和山谷之上,HILLS AND VALLEYS: The site is perched above the forested hills and valleys of Sonoma county© Marion Brenner


该项目坐落于一段三岔路的顶端,俯瞰着索诺玛县(Sonoma county)森林覆盖的丘陵和山谷。项目的过程分为两个阶段,展示出了一个关于韧性的故事。在第一阶段,设计团队选址,并由建筑师新建了三间客房,形成了山顶现有主屋向下的延伸。此外,设计团队还对倾斜景观进行了退坡和梯田处理,创造了更多的可用区域,并在主屋和客房之间增添了一座游泳池。客房的彩色混凝土墙借鉴了山坡上的原生岩石的色彩,并引入了草、野花和石兰科常绿灌木,以融入周围的景观。




▲巨石长凳:一座当地磨制的巨石长凳隐藏在视线中,BOULDER BENCH: A custom milled locally sourced boulder bench hides in plain sight.© Marion Brenner

▲反射:池水倒映着周围翠绿的橄榄树,以及如戏剧般的落日天空,REFLECTION: The pool reflects the olive trees and dramatic sky at sunset.© Marion Brenner

▲入口轴线:一条由石头铺制的轴线从前门穿过房子,一直延伸到后花园和周围的景观中,ENTRY AXIS: A stone band axis runs through the house from the front entry to the back garden and surrounding landscape.© Marion Brenner

▲火灾时间线:两场野火摧毁了项目所在地周围的森林山丘,WILDFIRE TIMELINE: Two wildfires ravaged the forrested hills immediately surrounding the project site.© Photos: Marion Brenner ; Surfacedesign, Inc.

▲火灾之后:场地的新愿景将原始植物和一系列新的路径和花园结合在一起,AFTER THE FIRES: A new vision for the site knits together the original plantings and a new series of paths and gardens.© Surfacedesign, Inc ; Photo: Marion Brenner

▲日光:茂盛的青草在风中摇曳,带来了动态的感觉,并将日光反射到周围橄榄树和杨梅树下的植被上,DAYGLOW: Grasses create a sense of movement and reflect light as the understory to olive and arbutus trees.© Marion Brenner

▲防火屏障:混凝土墙在形成防火屏障的同时也起到了挡土墙的作用,FIRE BREAK: Concrete retaining walls hold grade while creating a fire break.© Marion Brenner

▲总平面图,SITE PLAN© Surfacedesign, Inc.

▲栖地:泳池庭院和露台作为中央聚会空间,缓解了主屋和下方客房之间的等级差异,PERCH: The pool patio and terraces act as a central gathering space and mitigate grades between the main house and the guest houses below.© Marion Brenner

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