上个世纪上半叶所建造的风雨板平房往往前部宽敞,后部较窄。受盛行风风向的影响,适当的朝向和花园都称为次要考虑。Aru住宅(阿瓦巴卡尔语,意为 “昆虫”)正是为这样的住宅增添了一系列精心平衡的感官放大和连接器,从而唤起长期被忽视的场所感。
Weatherboard cottages built in the first half of the twentieth century were often generous at the front and restricted at the rear, with their relationship to prevailing breezes, appropriate orientation and gardens being a low priority. Aru House(Awabakal word for “insect”) plugs-in a series of carefully balanced sensory amplifiers and connectors to just such a cottage in order for a long-ignored sense of place to re-emerge.
▼建筑概览,building overview©︎Clinton Weaver
▼项目街景,street view of the project©︎Clinton Weaver
▼扩建轴测,extension axonometric©︎Curious Practice
These sympathetic augmentations to the existing dwelling provide numerous advantages, in particular, allowing the building to become responsive to seasonal living patters with a new found sense of contextual sensitivity. A new program of adjustable apertures, with only a minor increase to the floor area, has meant a greater efficiency of space and an increased program for the home. A side addition accommodates study, bed and bathroom while the western rear extension forms a deep, reconfigurable living threshold—allowing interior spaces to both connect to and shelter from outside elements through spotted gum sliding screens.
▼后院,garden at rear©︎Clinton Weaver
▼扩建部分,extension©︎Clinton Weaver
A new side deck performs a natural continuation of interior living areas, allowing inhabitation to expand in summer and compress in winter. All the new programs of the house overlap and borrow from each other in this way, becoming more flexible and generous, which enables efficient planning and an ability to focus on quality over quantity. As a result, the cost and value of the project is measured in joy and delight through the way materials are crafted, light is choreographed and edges are blurred.
▼对室内空间的自然延续,natural continuation of interior living areas©︎Clinton Weaver
▼使空间更加灵活宽敞,space becomes more flexible and generous©︎Clinton Weaver
▼露台空间,terrace space©︎Clinton Weaver
▼厨房,kitchen©︎Clinton Weaver
▼厨房空间,kitchen space©︎Clinton Weaver
▼餐厅,restaurant©︎Clinton Weaver
As a gesture of generosity to the street, existing elements of the building were upgraded, articulated brickwork forms step, porch, letterbox and public seat. Front fencing and lawn is replaced with native garden, bringing colour and biodiversity to the public realm.These, and many other bespoke elements throughout the project, are the testing of ideas to form new architectural scenarios which are the result of working closely with trades to develop construction strategies and efficiencies. In this process of craft and making, architecture is celebrated in its purest form of realising design intent.
▼客厅空间,living room space©︎Clinton Weaver
▼玄关,porch©︎Clinton Weaver
These approaches become an important strategy when considering existing housing stock, and consciously revitalizing homes in this manner ensures the building is loved, cherished, cared for and respected as it ages gracefully in place and with life.
▼浴室,bathroom©︎Clinton Weaver
▼走廊,corridor©︎Clinton Weaver
▼平面,plan©︎Curious Practice
▼剖面,section©︎Curious Practice